Thing 13: The impact I have on others

In Thing 13 you will watch a video and reflect on your awareness of your impact on others. This video is also a resource used in Thing 12.

Open Badge information

Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Thing 13: Awareness of the impact I have on others.

Counts towards: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Self-Leadership


You may find it helpful to complete Things 1-4 before starting Thing 13.

Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce and everyone has a leadership role to play. Self-leadership is about recognising your own leadership skills and abilities, and taking responsibility for using and developing these.

Self-leadership includes:

  • seeking feedback from others and motivating yourself to improve your own leadership
  • being resilient and finding ways through challenging situations
  • taking positive risks, supported by your organisation
  • challenging discriminatory or oppressive practice.

Self-leadership is also about being aware of the impact we have on others.

In this Thing you will reflect on your own self-leadership behaviour and its impact on others, through exploring one of the personal capabilities in the Continuous Learning Framework (CLF). The CLF identifies the skills social service workers need to be able to do their job well and what employers need to do to support them. The personal capabilities part of the CLF describes some of the ‘soft’ skills, or emotional intelligence, that social service workers need. One of these personal capabilities is the awareness of the impact of ourselves on others. You can find out more about how to use the CLF in this short video.


In Thing 12 you were introduced to the video called ‘What you permit you promote’, in which Leslie Evans (Scotland’s Permanent Secretary) talks about how powerful our words and our behaviours can be.

  • Watch the video ‘What you permit you promote’ with Leslie Evans (Scotland’s Permanent Secretary)
  • Download a copy of the Continuous Learning Framework (CLF)
  • Turn to page 32 of the CLF and look at ‘managing self: awareness of impact on others- being aware of the effect you and your behaviour have on others’.

The first point in the ‘established’ column is:

I seek feedback and regularly reflect on the impact my behaviour, actions, words, attitude and manner have on others and actively seek to improve my practice accordingly.

Think about an example from your own practice when you have reflected on some feedback about the impact your behaviour, actions, words, attitude and manner have on others.

You may want to reflect on some positive feedback you had from someone about your practice, or you may want to reflect on some constructive criticism which encouraged you to change your practice.

  • How did the feedback you got help you to reflect on your practice?
  • What did you do differently following the feedback (if anything)?
  • What impact did your behaviour or actions have on others?

In a minimum of 200 words, reflect on the questions above.

You can provide the statement on the open badge application form or provide a link to your own *blog/portfolio. You may find it helpful to look at Recording Your Learning and Reflecting on Leadership.

*If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.

Click here to access helpful resources for Thing 13

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