Please take time to read the FAQs which provide answers to the most common questions about 23 Things.
I am not registered with the SSSC. Can I take part in the 23 Things?
Yes. You don’t have to be registered with the SSSC to take part in the 23 Things.
I am registered with the SSSC. Do I have to complete the 23 Things?
No. Taking part in the 23 Things is voluntary. Some people have found working through the programme to be a useful way of building evidence of continuing professional development (CPD).
Do I need to complete all 23 Things?
No, you can complete as many or as few as you like.
Do I need to complete the 23 Things in order?
No, but we’d recommend doing Things 1 to 4 before the rest, so you can earn Open Badges as you progress, and Thing 23 should be completed last.
Why are there 23 Things?
The 23 Things concept originated in a programme called Learning 2.0 run by and for staff at The Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, which has led to many other 23 Things programmes around the world. The SSSC 23 Things Digital programme was inspired and influenced by the University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things programme.
I can’t access some of the content because of my employer’s firewall. What can I do?
You can contact your organisation’s IT provider to ask for the site to be allowed through the firewall. IRISS provide some helpful advice to support you make a business case. Alternatively, you could try accessing the content from home or through your mobile phone network.
Can I reuse any of the content in the SSSC 23 Things?
Yes. All the content (unless otherwise indicated) is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. This means that you are free to share, re-use, modify, adapt any content providing you give appropriate credit, indicate if any changes you made and provide a link to the license.
Where does the image on the homepage come from?
This fantastic photo of ‘The Journey’s End’ by Andy Scott was taken by Keith Quinn and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
I have a question that is not covered here. Who should I contact?
Contact theDigital learning team at or @SSSCLearnTech on Twitter.