Thing 11: The six leadership capabilities

In Thing 11 you will reflect on the learning you have achieved from Thing 4 (Leadership capability feedback tool) and Things 5 to 10 on the six individual leadership capabilities, consider how you integrate the six capabilities in your own leadership, recognising your strengths and areas for development and develop a plan for your continuing leadership development

Open Badge information

Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Thing 11: The six leadership capabilities

Counts towards: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – 6 Leadership Capabilities


You may find it helpful to complete Things 1-10, before starting Thing 11.

As a social service worker, the way that you exercise leadership will involve a range of skills, attitudes, values and behaviours and draw on the breadth of knowledge and experience gained from practice and from life.

Thing 11 is an opportunity for you to appreciate how your own leadership shows qualities from across all six leadership capabilities:

  • Vision – seeing what is possible for individuals, families and communities now and in the future
  • Self-leadership – recognising, exercising and improving your own leadership
  • Motivating and inspiring others
  • Empowering – enabling others to develop and use their leadership capacity
  • Collaborating and influencing
  • Creativity and innovation


To get the most from Thing 11 it is best to complete Thing 4 first — this includes the Leadership Capability Feedback Tool for managers or for frontline workers.

Again, before starting Thing 11, you may also find it helpful to complete Things 5 to 10 on the six individual leadership capabilities.

Go through the Leadership capacity work book for support workers here and here for managers so that you:

  • Reflect on your feedback results from the Leadership Capability Feedback Tool
  • Identify your strengths and areas for development
  • Plan your leadership development priorities

Write a statement (minimum of 200 words) in which you reflect on the key points from your feedback, including:

  • Across the six capabilities, what are your leadership strengths and areas for development? The exercises in Part 3 of the workbook can help you to identify how you evidence your leadership capability at all levels
  • What leadership skills would you most like to develop? What difference could this make to your work?
  • What is your plan for continuing your leadership development?

You can provide the statement on the open badge application form or provide a link to your own *blog/portfolio. You may find it helpful to look at Recording Your Learning and Reflecting on Leadership.

*If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.

Click here to access helpful resources for Thing 11

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