Thing 17: What is action learning and how can I use it?


In Thing 17, you will explore how you can use an Action Learning approach to support leadership development.

Open Badge information

Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Thing 17: What is action learning?

Counts towards: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Supporting leadership


You may find it helpful to complete Things 1-4 before starting Thing 17.

Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce, as well as citizen leadership from people who access support and their carers. The vision for leadership at all levels in social services means that everyone has a leadership role to play. Your leadership skills can make a real difference to the service you deliver, and the outcomes for people who experience the care and support you provide.

Action Learning:

  • brings together small groups of people to develop solutions to real issues from the workplace
  • can encourage creative approaches to problem solving
  • can be an effective technique for collaborative leadership
  • tackles issues that people feel stuck with to provide new awareness and fresh ideas.


Read the SSSC Action Learning Set Resource Pack (cover and content.

Write at least 200 words to:

  • tell us about three things you’ve learned from reading the Action Learning pack and what the stand out messages are for you?
  • explain why this could be important to you in your work and how you might use it to develop your leadership capability

You can provide the statement on the open badge application form or provide a link to your own *blog/portfolio. You may find it helpful to look at Recording Your Learning and Reflecting on Leadership.

*If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.

Click here to access helpful resources for Thing 17

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