In Thing 6, you will explore what self-leadership means and reflect on your self-leadership capabilities.
Open Badge Information
Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Leadership: Thing 6 – What does self-leadership mean for me?
Counts towards: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – 6 Leadership Capabilities
You may find it helpful to complete Things 1-4 before starting Thing 6.
Self-leadership is about recognising your own leadership skills and abilities, and taking responsibility for using and developing these. The way you exercise self-leadership influences how you demonstrate all other leadership capabilities in your practice.
Watch the video on Lisa’s childminding service below. In this resource Lisa highlights:
“being a positive role model, supporting and guiding behaviour, encouraging and promoting independence and social and emotional awareness”
Recent research – Enabling leadership – identified what good leadership looks like in Scotland’s social services. The research proposed a theory of change and logic model. If you look at the Leadership Logic Model you will see that there are descriptors for:
- What do good leaders bring?
- What do good leaders do?
- How do good leaders engage?
These characteristics, behaviours and attitudes can be regarded as attributes of self-leadership.
Looking again at Lisa’s childminding service, which of the descriptors do you think are demonstrated here?
Now, think of a situation where you played a significant part in achieving a positive outcome. For example, if you are a support worker, you might reflect on a time you assisted a person to achieve something important to them. If you are a manager, perhaps your actions enabled your service to improve the way it helps people who use your service to achieve their personal outcomes.
Look again at the Leadership Logic Model. In the same way as you used the descriptors to appreciate Lisa’s childminding service, apply them to your own practice for the situation you have thought about.
Write a statement (minimum 200 words) on the self-leadership attitudes and behaviours you showed that helped to achieve a positive outcome.
You can provide the statement on the open badge application form or provide a link to your own *blog/portfolio. You may find it helpful to look at Recording Your Learning and Reflecting on Leadership.
*If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.